4 Cornhole Tossing Techniques

Myjestix Cornhole - 4 techniques to tossing cornhole bags

No two cornhole players every throw the same, but here are a few of the most common techniques on how to hold, and toss your bags while playing.


First, your grip.

There are a lot of different grips in cornhole, but start by holding half of the beads in your hand with your thumb on top of your bag. The further towards the front of the bag you hold it, the more spin you will naturally get.

4 very common ways to toss cornhole bags.

1. The sling toss. This is probably the most popular way to throw cornhole bags, but everyone has their own way they are most comfortable with. Hold your arm down the side of your body, lock your elbow, and rotate your wrist towards you so the bag is flat when you look down at it. Then when you are ready to throw, swing your arm straight back like a penjallum, keep your elbow locked and then at the last second, twist your wrist to keep your bag flat as it flies through the air like a pancake.

2. The fold over toss. Players typically fold the bag in half like a taco, and throw it like you would a sling toss.

3. The frisbee toss. This throwing technique is just like it sounds! With your body turned, you would throw the bag across your body like a frisbee. This is usually harder to get consistency, but some players swear by it.

4. The overhand toss. This is very similar to a baseball or basketball throw. This is either done with a side arm throw, or up and over.

Whether you're a practicing beginner or experienced cornhole player, a good and effective toss is key to becoming better at the game. The entire variety of cornhole tosses can be challenging to master for newer players, but with some practice, you can develop your own preference.


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How to choose the right cornhole bags
The History of Cornhole

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